


Alice Iten Wanguru

Buchholzstrasse 32






The author reserves the right not to be responsible for the accuracy, accuracy, timeliness, reliability and completeness of the information.

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All offers are without obligation. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice or to cease publication temporarily or permanently.


Liability for links

References and links to third party websites are beyond our responsibility. Any responsibility for such websites is disclaimed. The access and use of such websites are at the user's own risk.



The copyright and all other rights to the content, images, photos or other files on the website belong exclusively to Alice Iten Wanguru or the specifically named rights holders. For the reproduction of any elements, the written consent of the copyright holders must be obtained in advance.


data protection

Based on Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the data protection regulations of the Federal Government (Data Protection Act, DSG), every person is entitled to protection of their privacy and to protection against misuse of their personal data. We comply with these terms. Personal data will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold or passed on to third parties.

In close cooperation with our hosting providers, we endeavor to protect the databases as far as possible against unauthorized access, loss, misuse or counterfeiting.

When accessing our web pages, the following data is stored in log files: IP address, date, time, browser request and general transmitted information about the operating system resp. Browser. These usage data form the basis for statistical, anonymous evaluations, so that trends can be identified, with which we can improve our offers accordingly.


Privacy Policy for the use of Facebook plug-ins (Like-Button)

On our pages plugins of the social network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA are integrated. The Facebook plugins can be recognized by the Facebook logo or the "Like-Button" ("Like") on our site. An overview of the Facebook plugins can be found here:

When you visit our pages, the plugin establishes a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server. Facebook receives the information that you have visited our site with your IP address. If you click on the Facebook "Like-Button" while you are logged into your Facebook account, you can link the contents of our pages to your Facebook profile. As a result, Facebook can assign the visit to our pages to your user account. We point out that we as the provider of the pages are not aware of the content of the data transmitted and their use by Facebook. Further information can be found in the facebook privacy policy at

If you do not wish Facebook to associate your visit to our pages with your Facebook user account, please log out of your Facebook user account.


Privacy Policy for the use of Twitter

Functions of the Twitter service are integrated on our sites. These features are provided by Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA. By using Twitter and the "Re-Tweet" function, the websites you visit are linked to your Twitter account and shared with other users. Thereby u.a. Transfer data such as IP address, browser type, visited domains, visited pages, mobile service providers, device and application IDs and search terms to Twitter.

We point out that we as the provider of the pages are not aware of the content of the transmitted data and their use by Twitter. Due to continuous updating of the privacy policy of Twitter, we point to the latest version at (

You can change your privacy settings on Twitter in the Account Settings at If you have any questions, please contact UyMhOiUyMCoTJyQ6Jyc2IX0wPD4@nospam.


Privacy Policy for the use of Google Adsense

This website uses Google AdSense, a Google advertising service
